‘My Story + Update.

Hello, my name is Randolph.  I am a father, son, brother, uncle, grandfather, entrepreneur, consultant, life coach, minister of Gods’ Word and a sweets fanatic. Being a sweets fanatic has led me to a crossroad…to make a change and to the creation of this site.  You either decide to make a change yourself, or change is forced upon you by an event.

“Don’t wait for a life changing event to make a change, as spoken by someone else that had a heart attack and almost died at age 37.

Change is an ongoing thing.  Nothing remains the same.  The key is whether you effect the change or unwanted change is effected on you. Here is how my change most recently began. Two significant events prompted me to start the process to change something that I have been trying too change for years.  I had made progress, but I would slip back into my sweet tooth addiction. I loved sweet things…especially ice cream. I remember as a kid living in a small town that had an ice cream parlor that sold and delivered milk during the week and sold ice cream on Saturday and Sunday only. You could get one, two, or three scoops of either vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, or a combination of any flavors you wanted. The size of those scoops looked huge to me. It was the best tasting ice cream ever. As soon as my tongue licked that creamy delight, I was hooked until I made the decision to stop feeding my sweet tooth. Anybody have a sweet tooth besides me? Click here to tell your story.

What was the catalyst for my decision to make a change that would rock my world of sweets?  An accumulation of small things created my catalyst for change.

First,  was a visit to the doctor for a physical.  I’ve had physicals in the past. Of course, not on a regular basis as most men hate to go see the doctor.  Previously I was told that I was pre-diabetic. My numbers were low enough to keep me from officially being declared a diabetic – A warning which I had received before.  After getting the warning, my fix would be to play racquetball three times a week, walk and run five miles once a week, go on an exercise regimen, and eat lots of vegetables and fish. I was playing with fire and had not gotten burnt yet however, this visit to the doctor was different.  They wanted to recheck my numbers. Why?  Because two days before going to the doctor I had a birthday and had polished off half a cake and a half gallon of ice cream on my own. My body was on sugar overload.  I knew what I had to do, but I am not as young as I used to be and I am not exercising like I once was. Catalyst number one had presented itself.

The second catalyst was a documentary on sugar called ‘Sugar Coated’.  I found it on Netflix.  Of all the movies I could have watched on Netflix that night, I chose that documentary, or maybe it chose me. When I sat in front of the television, I had a bowl of vanilla gelato with four ginger snap cookies.  I was ready for some sweet indulgence.  I started watching the documentary and never even tasted a spoonful of that delicious gelato, or a bit of that scrumptious ginger snap cookie.  The documentary was the final catalyst for me to make that change. I had to remove sugar from my diet. Watch the video on the Home page to see how I started my change.

I have experienced three types of change in my life. The First was Immediate, unwanted, and undesired. it came out of nowhere. Oh, how painful it was.  This type of change is forced upon you.  A layoff, an accident, a death, a denial, medical test results, “I need my space”, or “I found somebody new”.  We have all experienced an immediate change in life if we have lived long enough. Making this type of change was painful. It wasn’t our decision to make this change, nor were we prepared for it. We didn’t start the change, and we couldn’t stop it because it had a life of its own. So what happens next? A decision or decisions were made based on the change that took place. This is the most unwanted, unpleasant, undesirable change any of us will ever experience. The decision or decisions we make will take us on a new path, causing us to either modify our behavior or bring us to a new realization that must be acted upon. ACT TODAY! START YOUR JOURNEY TO CHANGE WITH ME TODAY.

The next type of change I experienced is gradual change.  I was once an avid chess player.  I played every chance I could get.  Chess is a game of strategy that requires discipline and patience.  Having both, I played often and I played very well.  For no clearly discernible reason my love for the game seemed to wane until it was no longer of any importance to me.  It seemed like all of a sudden, I would find reasons to avoid playing.  I couldn’t figure out what was going on.   Gradual change could appear through weight struggles – gaining weight and losing weight, changes in attitude, aging, waning of love for something, someone or a specific interest, and an acquired appreciation. This change happens knowingly and unknowingly. It usually happens right before our eyes, with no conscious effort on our part to make it happen.  If we recognize that the change is happening, we can make a conscious decision to either stop, or continue the change. There is usually some degree of discomfort associated with this type of change. Once again, when you realize that the change is either taking place now or has taken place, a decision has to be made to either continue the change or stop the current change and start a new journey. That last sentence is a mouthful-I know.

The last type of change I have experienced is the change that I decided to make, to see happen, to do, to create, to manifest, to influence. I decide if it will be immediate or gradual. It’s not forced upon me, I welcome it because of the positive life-changing effects it will have on my life and the lives of those around me.  The positive life-changing results will far out-weigh any discomfort felt while making the change, such as, a promotion, marriage proposal, career change, pregnancy confirmation. There must be a compelling reason for you to make a decision to change. It doesn’t have to be a life or death reason. It can be a light-weight reason or a heavy-metal reason. Whatever your catalyst for change is, it must be compelling. DO YOU HAVE THAT COMPELLING CATALYST IN YOUR LIFE NOW? START MAKING THE CHANGE TODAY.

I made a decision seven years ago to change some things in my life in order to complete a goal. I knew that there was going to be some pain and discomfort associated with the changes that I had to make in order to achieve my goal. I assumed that the achievement of my goal would be worth it, and it was. My goal was to run the  Atlanta Peachtree Road Race on July 4, 2010 without stopping, or walking.  It was a 10K marathon. I had never run that far in my life (on purpose) not even in the military which is another story about change. I had seen the race on TV, read about it online, heard people talk about their experiences, struggles, and triumphs in preparing for and running the race. You might ask what my catalyst was for making the decision to change my schedule, eating habits, sleeping habits and exercise regimen in order to reach my goal. First, I must say that I had been going through some struggles in my life and was not feeling a tremendous amount of self worth or accomplishment in my life and I needed to do something that would give me that feeling again, if only for a short time. I needed to do this because if I did not, things would get worse not better. I had to do it, I felt compelled to do it in my mind, body and spirit. I knew at that moment that I needed to take action on the compelling need that I felt, and I did so by registering for the marathon before the deadline. There is always a deadline for you to make a decision, or you will miss out on the opportunity. No one knows what the future holds for them, so when the opportunity presents itself, take it. I URGE YOU TO REGISTER FOR YOUR JOURNEY TO CHANGE TODAY. IT’S YOUR TIME.

  Wow, it has been 9 years since running the race.

You know that there is going to be some pain and discomfort in making the needed changes. I ran track in high school and college. I wasn’t fast enough to make the college team (I was fast, but no Olympian) so from experience I knew that I would need to change my behavior, habits, and exercise discipline in pursuit of my goal. My state of mind, the circumstances I had been through, the feelings of doubt, low self-esteem, and the need to change those things compelled me to make the decision to change.  It’s not like I have never had success in my life, because I have. I have won races, been on championship teams, owned my own business, received performance awards as an executive, coached and trained people to successful outcomes.  That was in the past, this was now. Small successes and accomplishments have the same effect on your body, mind and spirit as a huge accomplishment does. The same chemical reaction happens in your body for either one. Your mind processes them as a success and accomplishment and your spirit is lifted. Large or small successes have an effect on us. As you probably already suspect, things didn’t go as planned for my preparation. I didn’t get all the sleep I needed, I had an injury that hindered me from training, it would rain on days I planned to train or it would be 90 degrees outside on the days I could train. To make a long story short, I paid the price, I ran the race all the way and finished. To this day, the decision I was compelled to make that changed my body, mind and spirit has been a great benefit to me and others. The pain and discomfort that I felt while making the change was completely (trumped, no pun intended) by the outcome of my beneficial changed behavior and habits. I felt great about myself when I finished that 10K marathon. I had set a goal, I did the necessary work and I reaped the rewards.  Hallelujah! You can make the changes you desire in your life too. Above is a picture of my t-shirt which serves as a reminder of a decision that resulted in a positive change in my life.  Make the decision to change what ever it is that you have been wanting to change in or about your life. Do it today. Register here now to find out about your life changing 52 week journey to change. It may not take 52 weeks. Your change may happen in a day, three weeks or somewhere in between now and then. Your change will happen. We are here to support you on your journey to change. I had support while running that marathon and would not have completed it without it.  We will be with you on the journey to change and will be there to support you. SIGN UP FOR THE JOURNEY NOW.

Update August 2019

I started this site in 2016 and believe me, a lot has changed in my life over the last almost 4 years as I know it has in your life. My sweets intake has decreased drastically and the last doctors checkup did not reveal any signs of diabetes. I thank God for giving me the wisdom, knowledge, and the food for my deliverance from that disease. Both parents have gone on to be with the Lord God in heaven. I am newly married to a woman who is surrendered to God and happens to love me. The most profound change that has happened to me is that I made the decision to surrender my life to God to do with me as He wills. That decision has put me on a leg of the journey that brings me into agreement with the Word of God and sets me on a path to fulfill my destiny and my calling on this earth. The first leg of the journey starts when God creates you in your mothers womb. The next leg of your journey starts when you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. The next leg of the journey starts when you receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire, with the evidence of your baptism being that you speak in tongues. The next leg of the journey starts when you surrender your will for your life to the will of God for your life. God can then order your steps unhindered by your free will. God doesn’t do anything against our will.  As much as God loves us and wants to fellowship and have relationship with us, He will not save you unless you ask for salvation of your own free will.

Now is the time to make a change. Change your life for the better forever. Just say this: Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God and that you died on the cross and shed your blood for me that I might be redeemed from the curse and delivered from the powers of darkness. Forgive me of my sins and come into my life as my Lord and savior. Amen

May Gods’ blessings be upon you from this point forward. May He order your steps and keep you from all evil and all harm. In Jesus name I pray.

What to do next? Get a bible and start to read the Word of God for yourself. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God (read it out loud to yourself). To find out more about being baptized in the Holy Spirit and fire, go to the book of Acts in the bible. It is the 44th book of the bible and comes after the book of John. 

I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him: the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power to us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power, which He wrought in Christ, when He raised him from the dead, and set Him at His own right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: and hath put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be the head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him that fills all in all. Ephesians 1:17-23. Read the next chapter Ephesians 2:1-22.

Click on the tab above The Word for more insight into the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Be Blessed always!