Thank you for not committing suicide today!  Although I do not know you, you are special to me. I value life … especially yours, because you have so much to offer others.  You do not see it right now, but your life here on earth is meant to positively impact the lives of those you don’t even know yet.  They are depending on you to be a positive impact on them.  You don’t know them yet, but you will. I promise you.  You don’t have to take my word for it, just stick around and you will see for yourself.

If you will just take your eyes off yourself for a minute you will see that there are many people depending on you being there to be an inspiration to them in a small or large meaningful way.  “Your life is precious to me because I need you. I need you and only you to fulfill the assignment that I have given to you. You are uniquely designed to fulfill your purpose here on Earth,  No one else can do it the way you can.  Only you can fulfill the assignment.  I chose you and only you, to do and complete it.”

No matter where you are in life right now.  No matter what you have done, good or bad, if you are reading this, then you have not completed your assignment and it is not time for you to go.

“What IS my assignment?” you might ask.  You will find out if you:

Shift your focus off of you. Look around you and you will see those that have a need for that special gift that has been given to you and you alone.  Those are the ones that were meant for you and you only to have a certain impact on their lives. What you have done in the past does not matter.  What you do next matters for them and for you.

You may know what your gift is and you may not, however your gift was not given to you for you.  It was given to you to give to others. You have value in this world!  There is not another person like you.  There is not another person that can impact the lives of those assigned to you the way that you can, period.  Your value to them is immense, gigantic, and immeasurable, even though they may not know it.  The fact is, they soon will.  

Ask. What you are doing now, may not be what you are called to do.  What you are doing may not be your assignment in life.  You have to ask that your assignment be revealed to you.  You have to get into a quiet space.  Create it physically and mentally.  Once in that quiet space, ask these questions, “What is my assignment?”  “What is my value to the world?” “What was I created to give?”  You WILL receive an answer!

Once you know what your assignment is, you’ll find out that your gift is the tool used to fulfill that assignment.  Using your gift to bless those that have been destined to receive it from you is invaluable.  Your (gift) value is already in you. Before you were conceived in your mother’s womb, you had value.  Your value to the world and yourself was already established in you.  To understand your true value, you must understand that your value (gift) is for others and not yourself. When you pursue being of value to others, then you will also realize that your value grows exponentially.  The key is finding out what gift and assignment was given to you. 

Seek.  Seeking is the next step.  If you do not know what your gift is, then you must find out what it is. If you already know what your gift is, then you must find out your assignment.  Seeking can take many forms…education, travel, internships, service, meditation, or work. Seeking requires doing.  You must be an active seeker in order to find what you are looking for.  When you seek you WILL find!

Knock.  There will be many doors of opportunity that you will encounter in your seeking.  The doors will only open when you knock.  You may have to knock more than once, but be persistent  because your assignment, your gift, your value to the world is behind the door. When you knock, the door(s) WILL open.

Thank you for not committing suicide today.  Even though I do not know you, you are special to me. I value life … especially yours, for you have so much to offer others.  You do not see it right now, but your life here on earth is meant to be a positive impact on the lives of those you do not know yet.  They are depending on you to be a positive impact on them.  You don’t know them yet, but you will. I promise you.  You don’t have to take my word for it just stick around and you will see for yourself.



You can be forgiven for anything that you do. However, there are consequences, good or bad that are associated with what we do.  No matter the consequences, good or bad, there is always a new starting point.  

Today is the day to start anew!

Live another day, 1 day at a time!


They Lived Another Day

Sometimes We Just Need A Little Inspiration

I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions. –Stephen Covey

Make the decision to live another day.


Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage. –Anais Nin

You have the courage to live another day.


The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be. –Ralph Waldo Emerson

Start with the steps outlined above, decide who you want to be, then be.


There is another remedy to change the way you feel.

Do not commit suicide today.

Help is available 24 hours a day, everyday.


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:

Available at all times. 
Call 1-800-273-8255                    
Deaf/hard of hearing call 1-800-799-4889       

Support for youth, native americans, veterans, deaf, hard of hearing, loss survivors, LGBTQ+, disaster survivors, attempt survivors, Ayuda En Espanol 


The Crisis Text Line:

Available at all times.
Text 741-741

Discreet way to get help in a crisis. No one has to know who you are texting or why. Substance abuse, any crisis.


Veterans Crisis Line:

Available at all times. 
Call 1-800-273-8255 (press 1)      
Text 838255      
Veteran in crisis or concerned about someone. Confidential online chat is available on the website.


Trevor Project:

Available at all times.  
Call 1-866-488-7386      
Text 873867 to 1-202-304-1200 Thursday/Friday 4pm-8pm EST
Crisis intervention and suicide prevention, help with finding local resources.



Available at all times.  
Call 800-656-4673
Live chat website:
Teens or anyone – rape, abuse, incest


The Anti-Violence Project:

Available at all times.

Call 212-714-1141 English/Spanish

Experienced or witnessed violence. Lost a loved one to violence. LGBTQ & HIV survivors of any type of violence.



Chat website:
iPrevail is a safe and secure Peer support community helping others overcome anything that life sends their way.